The market leader in the segment of abrasive mops
The POWERTECH production plant specializes in the production of abrasive mops of all available sizes 115 - 125 - 150 - 180 mm as well as P40 - P60 - P80 - P120 grit. Everything in the most common concave design as well as in a straight design.
In addition to the best-selling abrasive mop discs with a wide range of applicability, POWERTECH offers special types of products according to the customer’s specific requirements. In addition to the core zircon design, there is also a type with ceramic grain.
The advantage of abrasive mop discs is a high removal rate and an even structure of the ground surface. This combines speed, quality and an excellent price-performance ratio. We offer you first-class technical support and together we strive to find the best solution for your grinding.